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The Charity Knowledge Hub
Jun 5, 20244 min read
Heaven’s Loss by Mark Preston
‘Reports convey information, Stories create experience. Reports transfer knowledge. Stories transport the reader, crossing boundaries of...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Nov 26, 20211 min read
Supporting the South West Fundraisers Forum
The Charity Knowledge Hub is proud to be supporting the newly formed South West Fundraisers Forum. It is a new space for fundraisers...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Nov 22, 20212 min read
Do you feel like you have been thrown in the Gift Aid deep end?
Have you been given the role of running the gift aid system and making tax claims for your charity? Many of us who work in the charity...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Nov 21, 20212 min read
Why should you have serious incident reporting training as part of your Trustee and SMT induction?
Trustees have many responsibilities and ensuring that serious incidents at your Charity are reported to the Charity Commission is just...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Nov 19, 20212 min read
Why attend a Gift Aid workshop when I already know about Gift Aid?
Why attend a Gift Aid workshop when I already know about Gift Aid?

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Nov 20, 20202 min read
What is Gift Aid?
Most of us that work in the charity sector have heard of Gift Aid and in fact when HMRC did a survey a couple of years ago over 80% of...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
May 20, 20192 min read
Which Gift Aid category do you fall into?
Previous attendees to our workshops tend to fall into three categories; 1. Those that are confident with their Gift Aid knowledge, have a...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
May 14, 20191 min read
When a plan comes together
It is a great feeling when a plan you have been working on comes together, flights booked to Manchester and Gift Aid workshop bookings...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
May 6, 20192 min read
Do you feel like you have been thrown in the Gift Aid deep end?
Have you been given the role of running the gift aid system and making tax claims for your charity? Many of us who work in the charity...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Apr 28, 20191 min read
Do you work in Fundraising or Finance at a Charity? Have you been given the role of Gift Aid?
The reality for many of us working in the charity sector is that we are given the role of running the gift aid system/making tax claims,...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Apr 4, 20191 min read
New workshop date
We are pleased to announce that due to demand we are running another Gift Aid Essentials workshop . . . . .this time in Plymouth. There...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Mar 17, 20192 min read
Has the art of speaking on the phone been killed off by the phone?
I love my mobile phone, it does everything and makes my life easier. I have various email accounts linked to it so I can work on the...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Mar 15, 20191 min read
Does talking about Giftaid to your charity shop customers make you nervous?
So often when you go into a charity shop, the person talking to you about Giftaid can sound nervous. From our experience this is because...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Mar 13, 20192 min read
Why should you take time to attend our 1-day Retail Gift Aid workshop?
You already know the rules and are running a good scheme in your shops? I asked Phil Robson from Giftease, who is our gift aid expert and...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Mar 8, 20191 min read
Giftaid Essentials Manchester - now taking bookings
We are delighted to announce that following feedback from delegates on our previous workshops, that had travelled from the North West...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Mar 7, 20191 min read
Gift Aid Essential workshop in April is now fully booked
Our two-day gift aid essentials workshop we are running in conjunction with the Institute of Fundraising South West in Truro is now fully...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Mar 1, 20191 min read
Only 4 weeks to go – book your place now
There is only 4 weeks to go until the 29th March and whilst this is a big date for lots of other reasons it is also the date of our 1 day...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Feb 26, 20192 min read
Do you have confidence in your Retail Gift Aid scheme?
Each year approximately £70 million is claimed through Retail Gift Aid schemes on donated goods across the UK. The Retail Gift Aid Scheme...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Feb 22, 20191 min read
Are you a North West based charity
Do you work or are involved in a charity that is based in the North West of England and has a good sized meeting or conference room? If...

The Charity Knowledge Hub
Feb 21, 20192 min read
Is all Gift aid the same?
Is all gift aid the same - do you and your team know the differences? One question we are often asked is “Can you use Retail Gift Aid...
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