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For over 20 years GiftEase™ has been working with the charity sector to bring clarity and transparency to the Gift Aid tax claim process. With over 40 years’ combined experience in fundraising and IT within the charity sector, our Gift Aid knowledge has helped many charities to understand the sometimes complex HMRC rules on tax reclamation.
Our workshops are run by Phil Robson who has over 30 years of senior fundraising experience. Participants are encouraged to bring their own particular Gift Aid issues to share with other organisations. Our follow up support post workshops make this a Gift Aid partnership to help your organisation maximise this most important income stream.
GiftEase webiste is Giftease - Charity Data Management (gift-ease.co.uk)
Phil ran courses for our entire charity team, ranging from our chief executive to key volunteers. We decided that we wanted to embed a thorough understanding of Gift Aid in our charity, so that everyone was confident that our systems were compliant, but also we could talk to donors about Gift Aid with complete confidence.
The syllabus was designed to cover all aspects of Gift Aid, including Retail Gift Aid, which at the time was a new area for our charity. Phil’s course has helped us to cascade train our teams, develop guides and design our gift aid marketing material, in the safe knowledge that we are up to date and have done everything we can to help our team understand this complex topic. Phil is our “go to” person for Gift Aid. We recommend her training to other charities wanting to make the most of the fundraising opportunities in future gift aid claims.
Cornwall Air Ambulance – Retail Gift Aid
Phil has been running our Gift Aid workshops since 2005. We run many fundraising events and encourage gift aid take up on all forms of fundraising. Its paramount we get this right, we simply cannot afford to fail, not just for the reputation of our charity but for the credibility which is so important with our supporters, who rely on us to use their donations ethically. In addition to running our Gift Aid workshops for all new fundraising staff and as a refresher for all staff, Phil will regularly give our processes and procedures a health check to make sure we are Gift Aid complaint.
CHICKS Charity
Two members of our team attended a 2 day GiftEase workshop in 2014 and the knowledge that they gained was invaluable. Phil has continued to be a great source of support since attending the course, always willing to provide advice and guidance when we review the way we operate our gift aid. This has been particularly useful for retail gift aid which delivers so well for us, but can be a minefield of complex rules. We highly recommend attending a GiftEase workshop in order to gain a clear understanding of all aspects of gift aid.
Tenovus Cancer Care
International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) is a professional organisation and has over 8000 members worldwide I have worked with Phil since 2005 after attending a seminar on Gift Aid at which she was the key note speaker . Phil was subsequently recruited as an external consultant to the Institute to help us set up the Gift Aid scheme, which is complicated for most professional bodies because of HMRC benefit rules. With Phil’s advice our tax claim procedures has become very efficient and impressed the HMRC auditor. .
Phil gives us the guidance we need to understand the importance of following HMRC processes and procedures, and with her help we cleared our first HMRC tax claim in 2006 and have made regular claims ever since. She is my main contact for either technical online claims or new Gift Aid legislation. I highly recommend anyone who depends on Gift Aid as a serious income stream, and needs direction and support to attend one of Phil's GiftEase workshops.
International Institute of Risk and Safety Management
Please also see the workshop feedback page HERE