Online Gift Aid Workshop FAQ
Who should attend?
Anyone who works with any aspect of Gift Aid: fundraisers, finance, supporter care teams and volunteers including Trustees.
Who delivers the Gift Aid workshop and what experience do they have?
All Gift Aid workshops and training is delivered by Phil Robson of Giftease. For over 20 years GiftEase™ has been working with the charity sector to bring clarity and transparency to the Gift Aid tax claim process. Read more about GiftEase™ here.
Do you have to book on the whole workshop or can you just book on set modules?
The workshop is designed to offer comprehensive Gift Aid knowledge with practical examples and take full advantage of the extensive knowledge of our Gift Aid expert Phil Robson from GiftEase. We know from many years’ experience of delivering this type of workshop that dipping in and out for sessions leaves key gaps in people’s knowledge, causes interruptions as ground needs to be recovered and doesn’t leave delegates with the level of knowledge that we look to achieve.
We are only offering the option to sign up to the whole workshops but we have made some modules optional so if they don’t apply to your charity then you do not have to attend e.g. admissions sites, membership or GASDS. Although we would always suggest that gaining knowledge of all Gift Aid can only be beneficial to career development and we are happy for delegates to attend these optional sessions to build knowledge. These sessions are clearly marked as optional on the information.
There are a lot of modules and a lot of time commitment, is it worth investing the time?
Yes! We have deliberately broken the content into bite size chunks, spread the sessions out over several weeks, included practical breakout sessions to support online learning and also added in extra optional sessions to deliver the full Essentials Gift Aid experience. Signing up to the workshop will take a time commitment but we are confident that all delegates will leave feeling that it was time worth spent and the knowledge and confidence to claim Gift Aid that will more than cover the cost of the investment.
Please see our feedback section from previous delegates here
Can different people from the organisation attend different modules?
No, each delegate needs to book an individual place on the workshop – we are not offering part workshops or the ability for people to share spaces. Building a relationship with our delegates is a key part of being able to deliver high quality training and we also know from experience how interlinked Gift Aid is so dipping in and out is not possible in the format we are delivering.
If I miss a session of the workshop will there be recordings to catch up?
No, we have taken the decision not to record the sessions as we want delegates to feel relaxed and free to speak about their real-life experiences of Gift Aid. We follow Chatham house rules so that we can offer practical advice to delegates during the workshop so in order for you and the other participants to get the most out of the workshop we need everyone to feel comfortable. If you do miss a session for a genuine unavoidable reason then we will let you join that session on another of our workshops – although this will be at least two months later and out of sequence with the rest of the workshop.
How much does the workshop cost?
The workshop is priced at £300 per person which includes up to 20 hours of workshop time. We offer a early bird rate of £250 per person and bookings can be made online via the website - if you require an invoice please select this option. If more than one person from an organisation wants to attend then you must book places for each delegate.
How often are the online workshops being held and when is the next one?
We usually deliver two workshops a year and we will always keep this under review as demand changes. If you check the main Online workshop page there should always be the dates of the next planned workshops.
Do you offer bespoke online Gift Aid workshops for organisations?
No, we are not currently offering bespoke online workshops for charities but GiftEase may deliver these directly through thier other Gift Aid work.
Is there any pre-learning for the workshop?
We don’t ask delegates to do any pre-learning for the workshop but we will send you a pre-workshop questionnaire so that we can establish the level of Gift Aid knowledge of the delegates attending the workshop. This enables us to tailor the workshop and understand the level of existing knowledge of participants.
Do you delegates receive a certificate of attendance
A certificate of attendance will be issued to delegates who actively participate in all the mandatory workshop modules. This can be used as part of your audit to evidence training if you have a HMRC audit.
Do you provide any ongoing Gift Aid support post workshop?
We aren't able to offer ongoing support although GiftEase offer a range of Gift Aid services which support charities and we would encourage you to speak to them directly.