Have you been given the role of running the gift aid system and making tax claims for your charity?
Many of us who work in the charity sector have to wear lots of hats and if you work in finance, fundraising or supporter care then being given the task of ‘gift aid' is a common scenario. We all have job descriptions and often managing the gift aid and making tax claims falls under the ‘and any other duties' part and from what we hear, is often seen as a bit of a afterthought.
We believe that no one should be expected to have the responsibility of Gift Aid without having adequate training and fully understanding the HMRC gift aid rules and regulations. But for many of us in the charity sector this can often be the reality with charities expanding beyond their knowledge, experts moving on and leaving the organisation and also lack of awareness of what training is available.
It is these principles that have driven us to adapt our very popular Gift Aid Essentials workshops into an online series of workshop with up to 20 hours of learning available in bite size module across a five-week period. Before each of our workshops we make sure we understand what level of Gift Aid knowledge each of the delegates has so that we can make sure you attend the relevant optional modules.

Our workshop contains 7 mandatory modules with all the essentials that all delegates need to know and then 6 optional modules on more specialist subjects such as GASDS, Benefits and Membership and Benefits and Sponsored Events.
One of the questions we ask is to rate your Gift Aid knowledge and then to rate the organisations knowledge, and quite often these can be vastly different. What we have witnessed time and time again is that charities set up a robust Gift Aid system, it works and the team know what they are doing, people then move on and updated gift aid regulations come into play and it all starts to unravel.
Understanding that Gift Aid rules and regulations can and do change is a key part to our workshops and keeping up to date with your knowledge is essential. If you feel that you and your organisation would benefit from attending one of our workshops and the ongoing support we can then offer then please contact us and find out when the next workshop starts.