Why attend a Gift Aid workshop when I already know about Gift Aid?
This is a question that we are often asked and our answer every time is that from experience, and we have now trained over people from over a hundred charities, that it is not until you are attending one of our Gift Aid workshops that you are able to identify any Gift Aid knowledge gaps. Many of our delegates say that they didn’t know, what they didn’t know until you hear it on a workshop and then you know it!!
Therefore, this is why we recommend that if you are working in the Charity sector with Gift Aid and your role is in fundriasing, finance or supporter care that you attend a workshop. All our Gift Aid workshops are delivered by expert Phil Robson of GiftEase Solutions – she has 21 years’ hands on experience of working with Gift Aid and her knowledge is comprehensive and extensive.

Our workshops are delivered online and split into bite sized chunks across a five-week period and build on the knowledge learnt in the session before. After each module, delegates receive copies of the slides and we build into each module time to ask Phil questions. We have seven modules that are mandatory and include all basics you need to know about how to run a compliment Gift Aid system. There are then a further six optional sessions which cover more detailed parts of Gift Aid such as GASDS, Memberships, Admissions and Sponsored Events. We find most delegates attend at least a few of the optional and many attend all sessions.
We deliver the workshop in this way as not all charities operate all areas of Gift Aid, for example if you aren’t offering membership at your charity then the membership module is probably not of great interest. Although we are happy for all delegates to attend all modules regardless of if they are currently operating this area of Gift Aid. Learning and developing is an important part of our ethos so everyone is welcome, and this is a great way to develop skills for career prospects, so we actively encourage attendance.
At the end of the workshop series, we have a final Questions module so that we can address delegate questions about the workshop content and clarify any queries. Each delegate receives a certificate that can be used to evidence training as part of any HMRC Gift Aid audit.
For anyone who is still unsure about if it is worth attending one of our Gift Aid workshops then please do look at the delegate feedback we have on our social media and website as that hopefully speaks for itself.
With limited places on each workshop please do book early – on each workshop if you book well in advance there is a early bird offer too.
