Serious Incident Reporting to the Charity Commission
Are you a Charity Trustee or CEO – would you know when to report an incident to the Charity Commission?
The Charity Knowledge Hub is proud to be working with Laurie Trounce of Stephen Scown Solicitors deliver a series of 2 interactive and practical workshops designed for Charity Trustees and senior leaders focusing on serious incident reporting.
Given the nature of the work undertaken by charities and the challenging environment in which they work, there is a possibility that serious incidents may occur. In the event of a serious incident, the Charity Commission’s regulatory role is to ensure that charity trustees manage the incident responsibly and comply with their legal duties. In this way the charity trustees can take steps to limit the immediate impact of the incident and prevent it from happening again.
During the workshops we will share useful insights on the Charity Commission’s expectations, the structure and content of the serious incident reporting form as well as the latest guidance from the Charity Commission on the reporting of serious incidents during the coronavirus pandemic.
What You Will Learn
Workshop 1:
• How to identify serious incidents
• Reporting responsibilities and timeframes
Workshop 2:
• Practical tips on how to manage serious incidents
• How to make a serious incident report and the Charity Commission’s approach to them
• Learning lessons from reporting serious incidents
Delegates may wish to bring anonymised examples of what they have or have not decided to report, together with a brief explanation of why in each case. Stephens Scown will also be sharing its experience of working with the Charity Commission’s new expectations and serious incident reporting form.
The workshop will be held under Chatham House rules. We hope the discussion and shared experiences will enable your organisation to consider whether it should review its incident management procedures and approach to reporting incidents.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Places strictly limited and on a first come – first served basis.
Ticket prices covers both workshops and delegates will need to attend both workshops to gain a full understanding of the content being delivered. Workshop will be held via zoom and joining instructions will be sent out shortly before the workshop commences.
Feedback from previous workshops has been excellent:
“ I would recommend this course to anyone who is a trustee and it should form part of the induction process for any new trustees, really excellent."
"The ‘Serious Incident Reporting’ Workshop is an absolute ‘must’ to attend for anyone working within the charity sector but especially Trustees and Senior Leadership Teams. Even if you think you are knowledgeable in this area, this workshop will give you the confidence to critically review your organisation and more importantly potentially avoid serious reputational damage. Knowing what to report, when to report it and how to report it, is of paramount importance and ignorance will not prevent the Charity Commission taking action. My advice – get yourself booked on!"
"The course runs through case studies and gave us an opportunity to share knowledge and experience of dealing with SIRs "
For workshop dates please see upcoming workshops or follow the link below